Body Connection - What is it?

Body Connection is a complementary therapy that enables healing on both a physical and emotional level.

It taps into the body’s natural self healing ability. The brain / body connection is so important in this process – if the brain can “see” what needs attention in the body then it can “heal”.

During a Body Connection session, a series of tests are carried out on the Client and any communication blockages are cleared. 

Vital communication is then able to reach the brain, and healing begins.

The therapy is:


Body Connection

Our emotions affect us physically

Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach before an exam or public speaking? This shows that our feelings affect us in a physical way.

We all live under a certain amount of stress. This impacts our physical bodies, and often these emotions are suppressed in order to cope with daily life. Even if we feel we are coping, the body is often not. Eventually this may manifest in pain or discomfort, as the body tries to release the stress.

Body Connection enables this stress to be released, not only will you feel better but the body will heal physically at the same time.